Objects of bone and horn

Objects made of bone are not numerous, but they can be found in all eras. They are of very different purpose while the techniques of their making, such as cutting, drilling and polishing remain the same.

On some pieces of animal bone there are visible traces of processing that was not drawn to a close. For some reason, probably snapping or breaking during processing, they were not finished, so these objects are marked as semi-finished products photo 68, 97, 131, 172.

Picture 2/9: Crafting of objects of bone and horn.

The most frequent bone object is the button photo 43 made of phalanx (joint). The button was made by drilling this bone directly through the center, and the thus made button was used on a manner similar to those on the long overcoats used today. Such buttons were only made during the 1st century. One button photo 203, also made of bone but from the 4th century, is round, flat, made by cutting and polishing from a larger bone, with three circular openings in the middle, similar to the buttons use today on most garments. Buttons were also made of bronze, testified t by one find from a late Classical structure. It is a flat button with a loop on the back for sewing onto garments photo 143.

Double-rowed combs were found in the graves of the 5th century photo 158 and houses of the 6th century photo 165. They were made by cutting and polishing and mostly decorated by diagonal etched lines on the plate that served as fortification, while extraordinary pieces were specially carved and decorated.

Awls photo 71, 132, 168, 181, 204, are standard products present in all eras while tools that were probably used for the weaving of fishing nets photo 72 were found only in the 1st century. From the same period we also have skates photo 69,which exist in much later periods as well photo 203, made from the long bones of horses or cattle as well as skate-like objects photo 70, 134, but having no details related to that kind of use on them. We can presume that such objects were used as some kind of tool for smoothing leather, or something of the like.

An object that looks like a bone mouthpiece photo 180 for bellows was found in a house from the 9th century and no analogies for it have been found as yet.
