Gepidic Graves (5th century)

From the time of the Migration of the people, when the Classical settlement was already out of use, there are seven graves, three of which are with grownup individuals slide 103, slide 104, slide 105, slide 106, slide 107, slide 108, slide 113, slide 114 and four contain children slide 101, slide 102, slide 109, slide 110, slide 111, slide 112. They were dug in over 2 m deep and oriented in the west-east direction. In the graves of the grownups we can see traces of wooden structures beneath and above the skeletons. Men – one of which was a warrior, were buried with a sword photo 153, a battle knife photo 154, and a spear photo 155, and they also had threaders with a bent tip photo 156, and one of them had a comb as well. A young woman, as well as three girls, had strings of glass and amber pearls and Roman coins around their necks photo 157, 159а . Bone combs were found in two of the female graves photo 158, a polished vessel in one of them photo 159, and apart from that a bronze threader photo 160, a knife photo 161, a button photo 162 and a disk photo 163.

The youngest coins on the necklaces is from the minting of Constancius II, between 347 and 361. Similar grave inventory can also be found in the graves in Kormadin, dated to the first half of the 6th century, as well as in the graves from the 5th-6th century in Sremska Mitrovica.

The graves from Čurug are few and probably belong to the population that stayed in this place briefly during the 5th or the first half of the 6th century.
