Cattle Raising, Hunting and Fishing

The population of all periods in “Stari Vinogradi” dealt in agriculture, cattle raising, fishing and hunting. This is best testified to by the numerous finds of animal bones. According to the preliminary statistics, most frequently raised were sheep and goats, then cows and least of all pigs.

This data refers most of all to the Classical period, while the number of Medieval structures is small, making the finds few. It can be assumed that there were no significant changes since these finds do not indicate any. Apart from numerous finds of spinning-wheel disks photo 34, 35, 36, 93, 116, 117, 166, 185, which also testify to the raising of sheep, two steel tools for combing wool were found photo 178 in a house from the 9th-10th century, which only serves as an additional illustration.

Picture 2/2: Sheep shearing and calf slaying

Picture 2/3: Deer hunt

Picture 2/4: Net fishing and turtle gathering

Bones from wild animals are an incidental find in all periods, and wild boars, deer, gray cranes and does have been confirmed. In one 1st century pit the skeleton of a deer was found and in another the skull of a deer with horns, slide 55, 57, 57a . In two 1st century storage pits twenty or so whole skeletons of turtles were found complete with shells, testifying to the keeping of live turtles and their use for food as needed. Among fish types according to the bones found the following are represented: pike, carp, catfish and sturgeon. Of river and pond species also used as food were shells.

Osteological processing was undertaken by Svetlana Blažić from Museum of Vojvodina.
