Metal works

Metal objects were found in the structures from all periods in this site. These finds are relatively rare since metal was melted down and used to make new objects. The most frequent objects are of iron (knives, wedges, clamps, combs, scissors, fibulae, bracelets...) photo 56, 65, 66, 136, 137, 178, 179, 183, 201, more rare are those of bronze (bracelets, fibulae, buttons, part of a belt, needles...) photo 44, 46, 55, 61, 138, 141, 143, 200 and only a few silver ones photo 57, 58, 199. Metal objects, especially the decorative ones, were certainly used for trade, and came to this settlement from larger manufacturing centers.

Iron objects that were mainly made by minting were most frequently made in the settlement itself.

Picture 2/5: Forging and casting of metal

Several finds of iron slag in late Ancient structures indicates the hypothesis that iron was obtained in this site as well from so-called „mud ore“, which has been confirmed in some other sites in Banat and Bačka.

The casting of smaller objects of bronze was confirmed in “Stari Vinogradi” by the finding of graphite casting dishes photo 67 from the 1st century. Such dishes are known from other sites of the period as well. Some of the fibulae as well as some of the bronze bracelets that have a lot of impurities in their composition and fall apart like bronze objects were certainly cast from these dishes.
