Cultures Long-Since Disappeared

(Ancient History)

The oldest archeological finds from the site “Stari Vinogradi” originate from the Stone and the Copper Age, and belong to the Starčevo photo 1 and the Vučedol photo 2 culture.

Of prehistoric structures, only four pits have been explored so far with very few findings photo 3, which probably belong to the period of middle or late Copper Age map 1 Apart from this, a chalise was found in one of the late Ancient structures  photo 4, and in one of the pits a rim  photo 5 that can, according to similar finds from ''Kalakača'' be ascribed to the Bosuta culture of the early Iron Age.

Gallery Prehistory

Фото 1: Уломци посуда, Старчевачка култура
Pottery Sherds, the Starčevo Culture

Фото 2: Део посуде, Вучедолска култура
Photo 2:
Piece of Dish, the Vučedol Culture

Фото 3: Делови посуда, Бронзано доба
Photo 3:
Pieces of Dishes , the Bronze Age

Карта 1: Касно бронзано доба
-Map 1:
Late Bronze Age

Фото 4: Део пехара, Бронзано доба
Photo 4:
Piece of Chalice, the Bronze Age

Фото 5: Обод зделе , Бронзано доба
Photo 5:
Rim of Bowl, the Bronze Age
